Rea Djurovic

Ђуровић // Djurović


Rea Djurovic

Ђуровић // Djurović

Ђуровић // Djurović
by Rea Djurović @reavonvic

I try to answer the question of what the roots of those family gatherings that I have perceived at times throughout my life as different, I have taken them for granted, and as I have grown older, I perceived them as worthy of closer examination, within the framework of a stroll. A stroll in which my father takes on the role of narrator, for me, but also for those whose questions are similar to mine - where does a family history begin and where does it end, when passed on intergenerationally? Memories that are not mine, narratives whose truth content is irrelevant, a narrative where a claim to rationality finds no place. To be able to listen, to be able to accept, to be able to continue spinning stories myself, to want to accept. When my family gathers, in the course of a celebration, this gathering is one made up of stories of which I will never know all, some are closer to me, some so close that they have to be insisted on, some so far away that they are absorbed apathetically, wrung out. Distance tries to find closeness, closeness tries to find expression. Until I find expression, I continue to stroll, listen and tell (pass on). 

In a three-part video work that starts with my father's story about an eternal back-and-forth, about my grandfather (Deda) raising the children alone, and about the absence and presence of my grandmother Lola, I try to find expression through proximity.

next project:
Daria Savytska