Philipp Orsini Rosenberg

Diploma - A Guide to an Unreasonably Long Life

Root Chakra Healing
The Stone Meets Schnapps Method
The Stone Meets Schnapps Method
Bonsai Smoking
NOS Spiritual Enlightenment Method
Nasal Sulfurisation Method
Embryonal Cell Gymnastics
Salad Meditation
Transcutaneous Demudding of the Pineal Gland

Philipp Orsini Rosenberg

Diploma - A Guide to an Unreasonably Long Life

"A Guide to an Unreasonably Long Life" is a fictional self-optimization guide that communicates ritual applications photographically and textually that, when executed consistently, have such a positive effect on human well-being that old age death can be postponed.

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Diplom 2021

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Daniela Trost