Luca Celine Müller/Michael Giefing/Nico Pistec

MakeKin - Huehnermensch


Luca Celine Müller/Michael Giefing/Nico Pistec

MakeKin - Huehnermensch

A research project by Luca Celine Müller, Michael Giefing and Nico Pistec.

"Yes, the chicken man exists, and we will prove it", quote from Giefing's first letter to Pistec and Müller.

Based in Grimmenstein, Lower Austria, Michael Giefing came across records of a so-called "chicken man" while researching another topic in the Grimmenstein local archives. After a thorough review of all available documents, its existence could be proven on paper, but evidence in the form of photographs and videos was missing. The exact origin of the "chicken man" can be traced back to the 17th century, to a certain Johann Kerber, who was sentenced to life imprisonment in Grimmenstein Castle for stealing chickens. Kerber was one day no longer to be found, but there are eyewitness reports from 1678 that speak of a chicken-like person who was repeatedly sighted in the Grimmenstein woods. Eyewitness accounts stretch back to 2012, when the last sighting was reported. This is an ongoing research project that aims to document the Chicken Man.


MakeKin - semester project winter 20/21 inspired by "The Camille Stories - Children of Compost", part of "Staying with the Trouble - Making Kin in the Chtulucene" by Donna J. Haraway

next project:
Lukas Thüringer